Three cheers for Sarah!

Our own Shine blogger Sarah Lipoff had a link to her post 'Pumpkin whoopie pies' on the front page of Yahoo! today. You heard it right - the front page of Yahoo! :)

User post: Pumpkin whoopie pies
User post: Pumpkin whoopie pies

I've been a long-time fan of Sarah's yummy recipes and artist inspired projects and was thrilled to see her receive this notable placement. Congratulations Sarah from the Shine community!
Sarah is one of many great bloggers lending their voice to Shine. Take a look at:

Shine user Christine Brady You'll need some tissues as Christine recounts the hopes and heartaches from raising six unique incredible children. Read Christine's latest post 'My Baby Doesn't Have a Belly Button'

Shine user LBC I can always count on LBC to tackle topics that make you stop and think. Read LBC's latest post 'Is Occupy Wall Street just the liberal version of the Tea Party, or is it the start of a new revolution?'

Shine user Stormyrider x x x Long-time Shiner user, "Stormy" (as she's known around Shine) is that cool person you want seated next to you at a dinner party. You can count on Stormy to ask those fun questions that keep the conversation going. Questions like 'Does True and Unconditional Love Really Really Exist?'

Shine user MsHeather
There's a bit of MsHeather in all of us. She loves music, movies, and writing but is having a rough go lately. Let's stop by and give Ms. Heather our support! Read MsHeather's latest post 'Ladies and Men, Need your help here!!!!'

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