Help! How can I make these shoes fit?

Last weekend, I landed in the middle of one of the best shoe sales I've ever been in. Surrounded by racks and racks of clearance boots, pumps, and sandals, I felt like I'd wandered into my own personal corner of heaven.

The best part is that I didn't have an agenda. And if you'd see my closet floor, you'd know I have absolutely no need for another pair. But when I saw these Jessica Simpson silver sequined pumps with lavender trim marked down from $80 to just over $20, I had to have them.

They look phenomenal on and will be an inexpensive, styley, sparkly way to spice up all those little black dresses I will wear to weddings and dinners this spring and summer. There's just one problem -- they only pair they had left is just a half-size bigger than I wear.

We've all fudged the size (or three) on a pair (or two) of fabulous shoes, right? And usually, this is not hard. I have a stash of cute and functional inserts (I love these "designer" insoles, which come in a cute leopard print and won't make you embarrassed to slide off your shoes in the presence of others). As much as it makes me cringe to admit, I've slipped maxi pads into my shoes for emergency comfort, fit, and sweat absorption. I've used heel pads and gel pads and Kleenex to make my heels somewhere remotely close to my size.

As adept as I am at re-sizing my shoes, these pose a new problem. Because they are both D'Orsay and peep toe, I am having a hard time making anything work. To make the fit issue worse, I am dying to wear them to a wedding this weekend.

So, please, help me! What are your best suggestions for making killer heels that are just a smidge too big fit perfectly?