The Best of Heidi Klum's Ridiculously Awesome Halloween Costumes

Nobody does Halloween quite like Heidi Klum!

-Lucia Peters,

Heidi Halloween
Heidi Halloween

When it comes to Halloween, nobody does it quite like Heidi Klum. Her spectacular, star-studded Halloween parties have become the stuff of legend-and naturally, the supermodel always dresses to the nines while she sees to her party hostess duties. However, because she's Heidi Klum and she never does anything by halves, "dressing to the nines" in this case means pulling out the most ridiculous, outrageous, and totally awesome costumes she possibly can. How does she do it? Who knows, but it must involve an awful lot of planning! Journey down memory lane with us as we take a look at Heidi's fabulous getups over the years!

1. Rubber Girl

Rubber Girl
Rubber Girl

Way back in 2000 at Heidi's first-ever Halloween party, she donned this black latex S&M outfit. She wears it well-hell, she's Heidi Klum, she wears just about everything well-but I can't help but think: How long did it take her to struggle into that thing?!

2. Lady Godiva

Lady Godiva
Lady Godiva

Leave it to Heidi to figure out a way to do Lady Godiva without stripping totally naked. She's classy like that. She also took the opportunity to ride into her 2001 bash in grand Lady G fashion-on a horse, of course!

3. Betty Boop

Betty Boop
Betty Boop

Okay, so Betty Boop may actually have leaned a bit more towards the curvaceous than Heidi tends to, but this 2002 costume is pretty impressive all the same. Check out her hair-it's got the same wacky curls that good old Betty's do. Difficult to achieve if you're not a cartoon character!

4. Alien


At least, I think she's an alien. I'm more used to aliens that drip goo and require a firm "GET AWAY FROM HER, YOU b---- !" to tame, but Hedi's alien likes to sexy it up. Astonishing detail in general, but the best part is definitely the gold grill. Very 2003.

5. Red Witch

Red Witch
Red Witch

For 2004, Heidi went with a witchy look, though instead of garbing herself in the traditional black, she went for an eye-popping lipstick red. Oh, and that skeleton on her back? It was attached to a backpack-and weighed nearly 50 pounds. Can you imagine carting that thing around for the entire night? Now that's dedication!

6. Vampire


This is one vampire who definitely doesn't get all emo and sparkly in the sunlight! Heidi's 2005 costume went full-on blood sucker, complete with a cape that morphed into wings. Is it just me, or does her hair look like a creature perched on top of her head and decided to make a nice cozy nest there?

7. Eve and the Serpent


Occasionally, Heidi and her hubby, Seal, break out the couples costumes, and when they do… well, let's just say that it's really something special. In 2006, they got their Garden of Eden on and dressed up as Eve and the Serpent-with a twist: Heidi was the Serpent, and Seal was Eve. It takes a real man to put on a dress!

8. Black Cat


A lot of people dress up as cats for Halloween. Why? My best guess is because it's easy: Just add some ears and a tail to some black leggings and a leotard, paint on some whiskers, and you're good to go. Heidi's cat, however, went all-out with a fuzzy bodysuit, actual whiskers and fangs, and even a kitty collar. I'm trying hard to resist making the expected pun here, but let's face it: She was purr-fect in 2007!

9. Kali


Leave it to Heidi to dig up something this creative: Her 2008 costume was none other than Kali, the many-armed Hindu goddess of eternal energy. Her multiple arms are even carrying Kali's traditional sword and severed head. The crimson contact lenses she's sporting here were specially made for her, though it looks like her trusty pair of fangs are getting another outing as well. I wonder how much that headdress weighed?

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10. A Murder of Crows


Okay, so I'm not actually sure if a group of two crows is enough to qualify as a murder, but the collective noun for a flock of crows is just too good to pass up. So sue me. Anyway, Heidi and Seal pulled off another spectacular couples costume in 2009. I love how their feathered duds look like actual clothes (he's wearing a tux, she's sporting a mini-dress), but still turn them into the perfect pair of crows.

11. "Alien Transformer"

Alien transformer
Alien transformer

Heidi's 2010 costume required a special skill: Stilt-walking! She called this one an "alien transformer," though most people described her as some sort of robot superhero. She and Seal weren't a pair that year, but he makes a pretty convincing Silver Surfer, doesn't he?

12. Human Evolution

Human evolution
Human evolution

Heidi's got not just one, but TWO costumes up her sleeve this year-because she's having two parties, one in New York and one in L.A.! Furthermore, the costumes create an interesting image when placed side by side: One of them turns her into an ape, while the other shows off the insides of the human body. Human evolution? Maybe!


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