User Post: Blue Hair Shall Set You Free

Or any obscure color hair, for that matter.

In my younger teen years, I found comfort and freedom in being different. Which is probably why I found myself in the "punk" or "alternative" group. But, when I transferred to a new school my sophomore year, losing my support group and confidence, I stopped dying my hair all together.

Well, a lot changes after high school. I am currently working as a receptionist and bookkeeper. I just bought my first house. I'm about to pay off my car.

I took a moment to look at my life. It was everything I wanted. But when I looked at myself, especially my personal style, I did not see me anymore. Perhaps it was all the "adult" things I was doing. Perhaps it was an urge to be that 14-year-old punk. Either way, I needed something...drastically.

I went out and bought a bleach kit and Radical Teal dye. I pulled a strip of my hair down and went to work. First the bleach, then the next day a good helping of teal. I felt like a million bucks! More importantly, I felt like me again.

I'm not saying that hot pink hair or lime green hair is for everyone. And most work environments won't even allow it. But, I am saying that you should hold on to a piece of your youth for as long as you can. And if it makes you feel good, do it. :)