Wrap it Up: 12 Stylish Summer Turbans and Headwraps

How to wear the summer turban!
How to wear the summer turban!

I've been seeing ladies wear turbans and headwraps left and right this season. They seem like the perfect summer accessory that would look equally great wearing it by the pool or out running errands in the city. Best part: It shields my bad hair day from the public! Never tried wearing one? That will change after you check out these stylish finds below. Here are 12 turban and headwrap inspirations I've gathered:

Free People Headwrap
Free People Headwrap

Free People Headwrap
Let your locks flow with this half-headband, half-headwrap piece in neutral gray. It's very bohemian-meets-downtown-chic for a casual look.
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Bow Love
Bow Love

Bow Love
Let's go back to the '50s and revisit the classic I Love Lucy headscarf. Re-purpose your vintage silk scarves and turn them into charming headwraps in tribute to Lucy Ricardo.
Get the look here

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Square Scarf Turban Tie
Square Scarf Turban Tie

Square Scarf Turban Tie
Tying a headscarf into a square turban is very tricky business. Luckily, this tutorial helped me master the complicated (but totally worth it) look! Once you step outside, don't be surprised if someone asked you how you did it.
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Red Dirt Revival DIY Turban
Red Dirt Revival DIY Turban

Red Dirt Revival DIY Turban
Got some long fabric scraps or fabric belts lying around? Put them to use and DIY a turban headband in any color of your liking. Save the buck!
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Tie Knot Turban
Tie Knot Turban

Tie Knot Turban
You can take a shorter scarf and simply tie a knot then tuck in the ends for this simple look. This is the perfect "beginner's" choice when it comes to rocking this trend.
Get the look here

Related: 25 chic hairstyles that take less than 10 minutes

Messy Hair Day
Messy Hair Day

Messy Hair Day
Turbans can be a real lifesaver for a bad hair day, especially when you're short on time. Throw your locks up in a messy knot, tie on a turban, and you're good to go!
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Wire Turban
Wire Turban

Wire Turban
This turban was designed with a soft malleable wire covered in fabric for easy styling. Let your hair down or tie it up, then simply twist and turn the wired turban to create your look. Great for different hair style combinations, too!
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Headscarf For Short Hair
Headscarf For Short Hair

Headscarf for Short Hair
Those with short hair need not feel left out, look how cute and fun a jaunty head scarf can be! In fact, I think the headscarf looks best on short-haired gals. I might have to cut my hair now...
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Related: The best haircut for your face shape

Sew Your Own!
Sew Your Own!

Sew Your Own
Don't think the fabric is worth the buck? Sew your own headwraps and create your own turbans using leftover fabric pieces you find lying around the house. Old T-shirts or pants can be repurposed with a few stitches here and there.
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Tied Up Tight
Tied Up Tight

Tied Up Tight
Don't be afraid to play with colors; pick headwraps and turbans that are bright neon or light pastels. The point is to stand out in these stylish head gears!
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Glamour Scarf
Glamour Scarf

Glamour Scarf
This is proof that bohemian glam is a thing -- and it's trending. Fun fact: Many women, based on their religion, wear headscarves like this and call it a 'hijab'.
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Turban Time
Turban Time

Turban Time
When I think of a turban, this is what comes to mind. This is the ultimate classic turban you can find. Get it in a solid black and, with a change of clothing, you can wear it from lunch with gals to date night.
Get the look here

- By Gabrielle Blair
Follow Gabrielle at Babble

For 9 more stylish summer turbans and headwraps, visit Babble!


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