4 Ways to Fight a Cold Sore

By Abby Cuffey

'Tis the season for flare-ups: Stress, lack of sleep and a weakened immune system (from a cold or flu) are all cold sore triggers, says Laura Knobel, MD, board member of the American Academy of Family Physicians. If you're prone to these painful sores (which usually last a few days to a week), try these four tips to stay ache-free. Photo by Thinkstock.

1. Always wear a lip balm with an SPF of at least 15. The sun's UV rays (even in the winter) can activate the virus.

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2. When you start to feel that tingle, try an over-the-counter topical cream like Abreva to minimize the sore. Apply with a cotton swab, not your finger. You can spread the virus if you touch your mouth, then another part of your body.

3. At your next doc visit, ask for an antiviral med Rx (like Zovirax) to help block an outbreak if you feel it coming on.

Discover 8 things your doctor wants you to know.

4. Buy a new toothbrush after a sore heals. The virus can linger on your old one.

Original article appeared on WomansDay.com.

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