Are You One of These Dieting Statistics?

Dieting? You might want to rethink your decision. Although you may think you're doing yourself some good, you may actually be doing yourself a huge disservice in the long run. In the end, dieting can be more detrimental to you and your health than carrying around a few extra pounds. Yo-yo dieting, especially, puts a lot of strain on your body, your heart and other vital organs.

If that doesn't convince you to reconsider dieting, think about some of these statistics instead:

  1. Unsustainable Results: Studies have shown that dieters lose 5 - 10% of their starting weight in the first 6 months, but then it inevitably tapers. A study showed that 2/3 of American dieters regained all the weight they had lost within a year, and 97% gained it all back within 5 years.

  2. The Bigger Picture: Studies show that the most effective way of losing weight and maintaining weight loss is to restrict caloric intake AND perform regular exercise. Diets neglect the emotional side of eating, and the importance of exercise. It is important to address weight loss from a holistic perspective.

  3. Cost: The dieting industry is a $68.7 billion industry and continues to grow. This continued success of the weight loss industry proves that dieting is an ineffective way to lose weight. Otherwise, if there was one effective way to do so, the dieting industry would be out of business. Forbes analyzed the cost of about a dozen popular diets and found that the average diet costs 50% more than what an average American spends on food. The most expensive and one of the most popular - Jenny Craig - costs $137 a week. This is nearly triple that of the national average of $54 a week spent on the average American's food bill.

  4. OCD Dieting: In the last 10 years, about 70% of adult females and 30% of males have been on a diet. Further 1 in 3 women and 1 in 4 men are on a diet at any given time. 35% of occasional dieters progress into pathological dieting.

  5. Eating Disorders: Between 5 and 10 million women and girls in the United States struggle with eating disorders and borderline conditions. While, 1 million boys and men struggle with eating disorders and borderline conditions.

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Sources: Forbes; and Crowther et. al.

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