Dessert For Breakfast Can Aid Weight Loss (Study)

Dieters know that a healthy breakfast can aid weight loss, but now a new study says that your morning meal should include dessert.

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Scientists at the University of Tel Aviv monitored 193 non-diabetic, clinically obese adults over a 32-week period. Group one ate a low carbohydrate diet including a 300-calorie breakfast. The second group indulged in a 600-calorie breakfast that included a sweet, including chocolate, cookies, or cake. In both groups, men consumed 1,600 hundred calories a day and women consumed 1,400 calories a day.

“The participants in the low-carbohydrate diet group had less satisfaction and felt that they were not full," said Professor Daniela Jakubowicz, author of the study, in a press release. Consequently, cravings for sugar and carbs sneaked up on them during the day and they often ended up cheating.

The final results? At the end of the study, participants in the second group had lost an average of 40 pounds more each than their peers in group one. Jakubowicz says that eating a higher proportion of your calories in the morning stokes metabolism and the dessert foods alleviate cravings later in the day.

She adds that low-carb diets are effective at first but can lead to withdrawal-like symptoms and weight cycling (regaining more weight than you lost) over the long run. In the study, the low carb, no dessert-for-breakfast crew initially lost the same amount of weight but regained an average of 22 pounds during the second half of the study while the other group continued to lost an average of 15 pounds each.

Sounds like a good excuse for a chocolate croissant to me.

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