Seven Day Health Makeover

By Shannon Kaiser

After just 7 days, my skin is clearer, I sleep like a rock star at night, my relationships are more sincere, I am more productive at work and I have lost 5 lbs.

If you need a health jump-start consider this 7-day makeover plan:

Ditch Sugar

Sugar literally sucks the life out of us. The more we eat, the more we crave. I kicked all sugar to the curb, and would your believe I have more energy, I feel cleaner and I am less irritable. Instead of sugar filled coffee drinks and sweet snacks I switched to green tea and fruit. Yum.

Stop Mindless Eating

I had no idea how much I was overeating until I looked at all my receipts from junk food and in between meal snacks. When I would get a frustrating phone call at work, I would turn to the fridge and pop something in my mouth. My emotional eating was hurting my health and waistline. This thoughtless grazing can add up. I implemented a grazing menu for myself so I can graze thoughtfully on things like fruits and nuts if I am going to eat between meals.

Drink Green Juice

We all know the power of juicing. Just do it you will feel like a million bucks.

Follow Your Heart

Here is where my detox gets a little more exciting. We all have things that we want to do. Bucket lists to conquer, people to meet, places to go. But many of us get zeroed in on priorities and we forget to follow our heart. When you listen to that inner voice inside of you it will never lead you astray. My heart told me to practice yoga more, and walk my dog longer. My heart said take bubble baths daily and read your favorite book again. I followed my heart and I feel more fulfilled, refreshed and renewed!

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