Who Wants Dinner? Not This Guy

If food weren't so damn tasty, eating would really be a waste of time. Think about it: The planning, shopping, money spent, electricity bills to keep the refrigerator running, emotional binges, endless debating over low-fat versus gluten-free versus macrobiotic. It's enough to put a girl off her dinner.

Rob Rhinehart, 24, a software engineer from Atlanta can relate. His solution? He simply stopped eating. For the past six weeks, he's existed on an odorless, beige cocktail he invented called Soylent which apparently contains all the nutrients one needs for the day, but just a third of the calories and none of the hormones and toxins.

Rhinehart told Vice.com that his new diet was a result of his desire to be as resourceful as possible. "I also had an incentive to live as cheaply as possible, and I yearned for the productivity benefit of being healthy. I'd been reading a lot of books on biology, and I started to think that it's probably all the same to our cells whether it gets nutrients from a powder or a carrot."

After calculating what the body needs in order to survive— iron chellate, sodium, chloride, raw potassium, and manganese, among many others (see the full list here), Rhinehart got to work, blending, mixing, and juicing until he had a liquid, clearish brown solution that he calls "delicious."

"I felt like I'd just had the best breakfast of my life. It tasted like a sweet, succulent, hearty meal in a glass, which is what it is, I suppose. I immediately felt full, yet energized, and started my day. Several hours later I got hungry again. I quickly downed another glass and immediately felt relief. The next day I made another batch and felt even better. My energy level had skyrocketed at this point, I felt like a kid again."

After six weeks on his liquid diet, Rhinehart said he felt like The Six Million Dollar Man—his skin was softer and clearer, his teeth were whiter, he could run faster and had more energy, his cholesterol lowered, and after a month, he dropped 13 pounds. In other inexplicable side effects, he says: "I find music more enjoyable. I notice beauty and art around me that I never did before. The people around me seem sluggish. There are fewer 'ums' and pauses in my spoken sentences. My reflexes are improved. I walk faster, feel lighter on my feet, spend less time analyzing and performing basic tasks and rely on my phone less for navigation. I sleep better, wake up more refreshed and alert and never feel drowsy during the day. I still drink coffee occasionally, but I no longer need it, which is nice."

His new diet has also made him more of a feminist! "How wasteful society has been with its women! The endless hours spent cooking and cleaning in the kitchen could be replaced with socializing, study, or creative endeavors. And why beg children to eat vegetables? Soylent has every vitamin and mineral the body needs, and it's delicious," he writes on his website.

Want to try it? Check out Rhinehart's blog for everything you need to get started. As for willpower? You're on your own.