10 Things I'd Definitely Give Up Sex For

I'd give up sex for Bermuda.

If someone asked you to give up sex for an entire year, do you think you'd be able to do it? Oh c'mon -- you'd survive just fine, and I'm sure there are a few things in your life that you would rather have as opposed to getting your groove on.

One new survey showed that 21% of Americans would give up sex for a year just to have access to the Internet. Hmm. I guess sometimes Twitter and Facebook are way more entertaining than getting it on, right? Considering that my job is completely dependent on my Internet connection, I have to admit that I fall into the 21% on this one for sure. And you know what? I can think of at least 10 more things that I'd definitely trade sex for.

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1. Uninterrupted sleep - I'd take 365 good 8-hour stretches of snooze time over rolling between the sheets for sure.

2. Eating without weight gain - If I could chow down on pizzas, cheeseburgers, and decadent slices of cake for an entire year without worrying about them winding up on my hips? I'd forgo sex in a hot minute.

3. Zero credit card debt - I'll become celibate right now if someone throws me a fat wad of cash to eliminate all of my credit card debt.

4. Laundry fairy - Having someone come in and take care of my least favorite household chore sounds so much more satisfying than the horizontal limbo.

5. Bi-weekly salon visits - Getting a fresh shampoo and blowout at the salon a couple times a week? Yes, please. See ya later, sex.

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6. Two-weeks in Bermuda - Give me an all expense paid trip to Bermuda (my fave spot) where all I am expected to do for two entire weeks is sit on the beach and sip rum swizzles, and I'll sign a no-sex-for-a-year contract right now. (Even my husband would agree with this one).

7. Interior decorator - I've lived in my house for over 5-years and there are only two pictures on the walls. If someone comes in and redecorates my house, I promise not to engage in any funny business in the master bedroom.

8. Coffee - This one is kind of a no brainer. Nothing comes between me and my java. Nothing.

9. Vacation home - Give me an adorable little cottage by the coast that I can retreat to every weekend to unwind and recharge -- and I'll gladly become a nun.

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10. An extra hour in the day - Adding one extra hour to every day of the year would serve a much greater purpose in my life than having regular sex. Sad, but true.

What would it take to convince you to give up sex for a whole year?

Image via eGuide Travel/Flickr

Written by Mary Fischer on CafeMom's blog, The Stir.

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