3 Ways Marriage Has Made Me a Stronger Man

3 Ways Marriage Has Made Me a Stronger Man
3 Ways Marriage Has Made Me a Stronger Man

In the past, I've written about how a hot wife helps a man have a better life. I've also written about happy wives having happy husbands. Both posts show two different ways marriage affects a man. The rumors say men don't really want to get married. And I know for some men, that is true. It was for me. Then I got married, and I realized what I would have missed out on if I hadn't.

Now, I've learned of a study that says married men are stronger -- well, at least that they have stronger bones. The YourTango article "Get Hitched: 9 Surprising Ways Marriage Affects Men" discusses research that supports this point. The research showed married men who wed before the age of 25 have far stronger bones than those who have never married or have been in a marriage that has failed.

So, according to this research, if you want to be a strong man, get married, and stay married! It puts a new perspective on things, doesn't it? I can only speak for myself, but I do believe I am not just a better man as a result of marrying my wife, but I'm a stronger man. And I'm not talking about my bones or physically. I'm talking emotionally, mentally, and spiritually.

Related: 8 ways to tell if your man is ready for marriage

Here is how being married has made me a stronger man and can do the same for other married men.

1) Emotionally

I wouldn't say I was weak emotionally before marriage. A better way to describe it would be to say I was emotionless. That was put to the test in a big way after marrying. My wife wears her emotions on her sleeve, and I say she is "quick to cry." I, on the other hand, felt I couldn't cry at all.

There were times I was hurt so bad (physically, emotionally, or whatever), that I really wanted to cry but couldn't force myself to. And it wasn't just about my tears; I was plain insensitive. That was rooted in selfishness. After we got married and she cried at the drop of a hat, it seemed, I used to get upset. Then, over time, I began to care more and be more empathetic.

Through it all I have grown selfless and more sensitive. I'm not running around crying all the time, but I do have some balance with my emotions, which has made me stronger in that area.

2) Mentally

My wife married me because I was confident, but what she didn't know was some of that confidence was fake. I appeared confident in certain situations as a cover. Inside, in my mind, I was worried, and even scared.

Since I married and have been forced into protecting, providing, and loving my wife, I've built up strength in this area. Not for me, but for my wife and now, my kids. I couldn't cower because of fear, doubt, or insecurities of myself. Some situations required me to do it! Thus my mental strength was built up.

3) Spiritually

When I was single, I didn't always put my beliefs into practice. I am a Christian and grew up in a Christian family. But you wouldn't know it by my actions. The spiritual side of my life was probably one of the weakest. I didn't have much faith, and I very rarely prayed, if at all.

Since marrying my wife, my focus hasn't just been on the now, but the future and my overall life's purpose. Prayer is now a big deal in our household. Together, we have both grown in this area, and we have a greater purpose than our own personal or marital agendas. I believe this is a result of being married

As you can see, marriage has changed the game for me, and I am much stronger as a married man than I would have ever been as a single man. I'm not the only one, as the research from the YourTango article supports it, as well. I'm sure men are strong before they get married, but those who do get married and stay married will be even stronger.

What areas has marriage made you or your spouse stronger?

Photo Source: Panda via flickr

- By Jackie Bledsoe, Jr.

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