4 Ways to Transition from Online to In-Person Dating

Make the transition from online to real-life communication less awkward.
Make the transition from online to real-life communication less awkward.

By Lauren Passell for HowAboutWe

If you have a date coming up with someone you've met online, congrats! You should be psyched. But as Men's Fitness points out, there are a few things you can do to make the most of that meeting, and make the transition from online to real-life communication less awkward. These rules were written for men, by a woman. Which might be why I love them so much. Read the full piece here.

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1. Think about the date from her perspective.

It doesn't matter how casual this meet-up is, she's probably acting like it's a date, which means she's going to some trouble. Don't just meet at Starbucks, pick a nice place for dinner or a drink. When in doubt, err on the side of caution and treat her with more respect than you'd assume. Even if you don't click: good karma points for your next date!

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2. Remember why she's being cautious, and you be cautious, too.

She doesn't know you yet, so she might be a little guarded or holding back personal info. Don't hold that against her. In fact, maybe you should do it, too.

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3. Here are your red flags. If she talks about the future or jumps into bed without you right of the bat,you may have a clinger on your hands. Also be wary if she overwhelms you with questions about your exes, isn't who she advertised she'd be online, immediately make big plans for a future event (like her sister's wedding or a vacation). Remember to be polite if you decide you don't want to see her again.

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4. After the date, be honest. It doesn't do anybody any good to say you want to see her again if you don't. If you aren't sure you're interested, say something like ''I've really enjoyed spending time with you. Why don't we both think about how we feel about another date. I'll email you later.' If you're sure you're not interested, tell her you enjoyed getting to know her but don't think you're a match. That was painless, right? Remember that even if it wasn't, it's better than leading her on.

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