Let Astrology Help You Manage Your Breakup

The end of a relationship can be an incredibly difficult experience -- especially if it occurs around the beginning of a new year. If you're currently dealing with a breakup, the qualities of your Sun sign's element (Fire, Air, Earth, Water) can help you manage this tough time as well as possible.

Fire signs: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius
Expressing your frustration and keeping yourself active are the keys to healing your broken heart. If you're angry about how things ended, discuss it with your friends or therapist; holding onto your rage will only create problems in future relationships. Exercise is also crucial to your healing process, so try to increase your workout to release any frustrations.

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Earth signs: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn
Since you tend to hold your emotions within, physical therapy can prove helpful when dealing with the pain of a breakup. Hands-on healing also helps you avoid becoming stuck in the past. You're practical at heart, so if you can focus on your career and financial goals, you'll help strengthen your sense of personal stability during this difficult time, while at the same time reminding yourself that there other things in life to direct your energy toward besides relationships.

Air signs: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius
Human contact is your secret to healing after enduring a breakup. Be sure to stay in frequent touch with your favorite people at this time. You process emotion by talking things through, so be sure to surround yourself with close friends. You'll also find it helpful to get answers about how the breakup came about, as understanding why things ended will only help you heal in the end. Finally, placing yourself back into a social environment will help you put past events where they belong -- in the past.

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Water signs: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces
You're especially sensitive, so you'll need time to cry to deal with your grief. Allow yourself to experience the full range of your emotions. Soothing baths or time at your favorite spa will offer the kind of solitude you need to make sense of what you're going through. At a time like this, you may only want to see those who are closest to you as you process your pain. Don't rush yourself back into socializing before you're truly ready.

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