Are You a Self-Help Junkie?

By Kelli Cooper for

When it comes to the amount of materials available to you to improve your life, it is quite astounding. You can never learn too much so I encourage you to take in as much as you can. So many different areas to cover - reducing anger, strengthening your spiritual connection, changing your mindset and the list could go on and on. There are so many different techniques and exercises to try.

There are lots of different types of people presenting the material. They have different personalities, different takes on the subject at hand, different ways of presenting it and different suggestions for implementation. It is natural to seek out materials written by various people to find what best resonates with you. I know I personally relate to certain styles more than others - I like more in-your-face, dropping truth bombs more than the lovey-dovey hug your inner child stuff, though I believe all types of material can offer something.

Exposing ourselves to all of this stuff is key in the personal development process because we can only change when we expose ourselves to new ideas and ways of being. The problem is, sometimes we can get too caught up in gathering information and in the process, we fail to ever seriously implement all of the wonderful things we are learning. I know this happens to me quite often and I am getting better at catching myself. We jump from book to book, program to program, without ever giving anything we learned a serious shot to see if it actually helps us. We may try something for one or two days and get bored. Or we give up because we are not miraculously transformed. I think on a deeper level, we are hoping just absorbing all of this information will somehow magically change us with minimal effort on our part.

Then we lament that we have read hundreds of books or attended dozens of seminars and ''nothing has helped.'' Learning all of this stuff is great, but if we do not make serious efforts to put it to use, it is all for naught. I propose a challenge to you…if you are currently reading some book or trying some new technique, make a vow to focus on that and only that for at least a month before jumping to something else to address the same issue or to a whole different personal development topic. Really commit to developing. helps people find happiness in the right relationship. If you've been through a breakup, divorce, or just haven't been able to find happiness in your love life, BounceBack is a place to tell your story, get community support and advice from experts, and find the confidence and strength you need to move forward. Check out our Facebook page.

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