Strange Wedding Trend: Planking?

The inexplicably popular planking phenomenon has reached the bridal world and, judging by the influx of wedding planking photos scattering the Internet, the trend is going strong.

In case you've been living under, um, a wooden plank, planking is a game consisting of laying facedown in an ironic or unusual place, such as on a chair or perhaps a train track in Grand Central Station (which we don't recommend!).

Now before you go speed-dialing your wedding photographer for possible planking locations, consider this: 20 years from now, how on earth are you going to explain to your kids why there is a photo of Mommy and Daddy laying facedown in a pile of leaves on their wedding day? (The answer is... you will never be able to explain that. Seriously).

But it's still fun to gawk at these photos. Our favorite is the couple planking on the pews- props on their creativity and excellent balancing skills.

(Photo Courtesy of

(Photo Courtesy of

See more bizarre wedding planking photos here!

Have you ever seen planking at a wedding? Would you ever go for it at your own wedding?

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