Tips for Flirting After Divorce

Tips for Flirting After Divorce

By Divorce Detox's Allison Pescosolido, M.A. & Andra Brosh, Ph.D. for

how to flaunt it with confidence

It's intimidating to re-enter into the dating world after divorce. For many, the absolute scariest part of getting out there and meeting men is the need to begin flirting again.

The first thing to remember about flirting after divorce is that flirting is a harmless way to gauge another person's interest in conversing with you. You are not committing to a lifelong connection or even a date. You are simply deciding in a few moments whether you may enjoy this person's company. If you both like each other, you may continue to flirt and eventually talk. If you don't like the person, you may simply end the conversation politely and walk away.

Flirting 101

Practice builds confidence. Before you start flirting in public, get in front of a mirror and see how you look. Experiment with different smiles and poses to see which is the most inviting. Try conveying warmth with your eyes and see the difference it can make. Once you feel confident in front of the mirror, graduate to flirting with random strangers you encounter throughout your day.

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All you have to do is glance at the person and smile. If he glances back and smiles as well, you may approach. Introduce yourself, and maintain eye contact for a few moments. Offer a simple, open-ended observation such as, "Isn't this weather wonderful?" Let the conversation go in any direction, but make sure you pay attention to what the other person is saying.

Body Language

Your gut instinct will be your best indication of how the flirting is going, yet sometimes nerves or insecurities can get in your way of making a proper assessment. Body language plays an important role in flirting and can be quite revealing. Some cues that your subject would like to continue flirting are:

  • Turning their body toward you

  • Touching your arm

  • Smiling

  • Maintaining eye contact

  • Laughing

More obvious flirts may throw their head back as they laugh, play with their hair or lick their lips. More shy flirts may look down, fidget or shift their weight, but they will continue to maintain an interest in speaking to you. If you both continue the conversation without encountering negative cues, your subject is most likely interested.

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As you flirt, smile often and keep the conversation light. Talk about the weather, a hobby, sports, etc. Do not get too personal. Questions about religion, children, past relationships and emotions are not typically welcome in flirting.

Extended flirting shows interest. At this point, indicate that you would like to get to know him better and request his phone number or a date. This is the hard part of flirting for a lot of people because you are actually risking rejection. However, if you have been flirting with the person for a while, your risk is pretty minimal. On the other hand, if the person is not interested, you still gained some good flirting practice.

Flirting Don'ts

  • Don't worry about flirting. It is a technique that is easy to learn.

  • Don't be overzealous or desperate. There is someone for everyone.

  • Don't stare. Instead, try smiling with your eyes.

  • Don't be afraid of getting close to someone, but don't engage in too much physical contact.

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Red Flags

Even if you've put all your best flirting techniques into practice, there is a chance your flirting won't be successful. If at any point you sense that your subject has lost interest, it is possible. Look for the following non-verbal cues of disinterest:

  • Looking around

  • Crossing arms

  • No longer smiling

  • Redirecting the center of the body away from you

If you encounter any of these cues, you may simply state it was nice getting to know them or say that you see someone across the room you need to speak to. In any case, be polite and make your exit.

From Fear to Fun

Many of Divorce Detox's clients find (at first) the thought of flirting to be daunting, yet after a little practice, they discover that flirting as an adult is much easier than as a teen. With all the confidence gained in adulthood, flirting is often surprisingly fun.

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