Why the Christmas Season is like Dating

Tis the season to be jolly…or is it? For some this is a wonderful time. The thought of dialing it down a notch and enjoying the holidays with friends and family is a welcome reprieve to the hustle and bustle of the rest of the year.

For others the Christmas season is a time where stress and being overwhelmed reaches new heights. What's interesting is that it's the same time of year for both groups. But the perception and how they experience the holidays is completely different.

Kind of like dating right? For some dating is the equivalent of having a root canal. It's something that's necessary but is not enjoyable. For others the experience isn't as daunting in fact it's quite enjoyable.

Now if you're one of those individuals who looks at the dating game as if it's root canal I totally understand. Based on your experience and the way guys have treated you it is perfectly justified. In fact I can totally relate. There was a time several years ago where I would rather have had a root canal. The thought of participating in the "reindeer games" had absolutely no appeal to me. I couldn't stand the lies, dishonesty and lack of integrity of most of the single women I was meeting.

But after one horrible experience with The Ghost of Dating Future I decided I had enough. I knew in order to win the dating game I must get good at it. I learned that the reason I would rather go to the dentist and have him drill my tooth down to the gum was because I wasn't in control. I felt like I was a victim to the dating and relationship gods.

Just as the person who perceives the holidays as a stressful time, I felt like there was nothing I could do. But then I learned how to turn it all around. I learned that not only could I perceive it differently I could do things to create the results I desired. Let's say I had a major attitude adjustment.

Much Like the character Scrooge in the Christmas Carol, once my attitude changed so did my reality. Some really cool things started happening. I began to meet and attract some really great women and the games and the drama I was used to virtually disappeared. And within 90 days of having my attitude adjustment I met the woman who would become my wife and best friend.

So if you're the type of person who looks at dating and the Holidays thru the glasses of Ebeneezer Scrooge, and you want to create a different experience, the best way to start is to simply change your attitude. Because your attitude determines your altitude!

Happy holidays!