Why Do Women Love Mitt Romney?

With the Iowa Caucuses behind us, the 2012 Republican primaries are well under way. Treading the waters of an election can be strenuous on a new relationship, especially when political views lay on polar opposite ends of the spectrum. But before you yell, "Can't we all just get along?!" know that there are plenty of political ideals that singles do agree on.

Zoosk, the social dating network, surveyed 4,000 singles in the United States on their views of the current candidates. Of course, none of these things matter when it comes to determining who you want to run the country (unless you care more about looks than health care, or want to dine with the President rather than let him solve educational issues) but the results are interesting nonetheless. Plus, since 87 percent of single men and women plan on voting this year, it's nice to know that they've taken at least some notice of the candidate pool, right?

Looks matter. Although Michele Bachmann has suspended her campaign due to lack of support after the Iowa Caucuses, she did poll high in one department: Hair. Yes, 35 percent of singles rate Bachmann's do as "the best." However, a win in the beauty department does not a President make, so we'd like you to keep that in mind, Michele. Rick Santorum, the sweater-vested candidate who could, is apparently lacking the beauty backup he needs to feel confident in upcoming primaries - only four percent of singles rate his hairstyle as "best."

Hairstyles aside, when it came to determining the sexiest candidate, none other than Barack Obama clinched the top spot with 41 percent of the vote. No Electoral College necessary. In fact, 38 percent of those surveyed would chose to double date with the Obamas rather than another candidate/spouse pair. Hopefully Barry will be picking up the check, too.

Laughs matter, too. Most singles polled (30 percent) believe President Obama has the best sense of humor out of all candidates, so hopefully he didn't mind that snide and tired joke about picking up the check on our non-existent double date. Gender divide. Republican men and women seem to be split over who their current favorite potential GOP nominee is. When Zoosk asked, "If you were to vote today, who would receive your vote?" most of the Republican men (33 percent) chose Newt Gingrich, while 18 percent chose Mitt Romney. Women, however, favor Romney (is it his looks? I honestly don't see it), with 25 percent casting their vote for him. However, Gingrich earned 24 percent of the votes, which means the two are in an intense battle for the affections of Republican single ladies everywhere.

Wishful thinking. The biggest joke about Donald Trump's campaign was that he was actually considering it, but still, 30 percent of single Republicans wish he were running for President in 2012. Meanwhile, 30 percent of Democrats wish Hillary Clinton would give it another go. Try again in 2016, dreamers.

What candidate gets your vote for sexiest? Best hair? Or, rather, most fit to run our country?

Written by Kait Smith for YourTango.com.

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