Women Who Read 50 Shades of Grey Secretly Want to Be Dominated

I have fallen in love with The Bert Show here on Atlanta's Q100 station. My daughter actually turned me on to it and I have to get my daily dose. Each morning I listen to the crazy conversation around serious topics. I listen because the topics are so interesting but mostly because they are so freakin' funny!

The other day they discussed how wrong it is to leave up the stature of Joe Paterno on the University of Pennsylvania's campus. He knew about the icky stuff Sandusky was doing to little boys but he turned the other way. Many lives have been affected because of he turned a blind eye. It could have been stopped long ago. I have my opinions about why this even happens but more on that later.

The 50 Shades of Grey Cult

This morning the discussion was about the female cult following of the book 50 Shades of Grey. Bert opened a can of worms when he put out a question and then philosophy of his neighbor about why so many women are caught up in this particular book. I've never read it and don't intend to but I have my own reasons why…

Women Want to be Dominated? Seriously?!?!

The discussion centered on why women like 50 Shades of Grey. Bert's friend theorizes it's because men, at the most basic level, must spread their seed and women want be dominated, controlled, and submissive. Now I know this is an explosive conversation to have with today's modern woman. Why in the world would any sane man say such a thing? The crazy thing is most of the women who called in agreed with this assertion. I did too...

Two Reasons Why It's True

Wait…Wait…Wait!!! Don't throw stones yet. I know it seems crazy for me to say I agree with this philosophy. Let me clarify and say I do not think the wording he used was right; however the premise is correct in my opinion. I think Bert's friend framed it incorrectly but his basic idea is correct.

So let me get to why I think he's right. It's for two simple reasons.

1) All women want security

2) All women want love

But There's a Caveat

Those two reasons are why what he says it true. When a woman feels secure and feels loved she will naturally allow the man who is making her feel secure and loved take the lead in the relationship. This can only happen if she has a healthy respect for him and does not let it erode. Unfortunately, too many men do not know what to do with that leadership but that's another story. Taking the lead may look like many different things inside of many different relationships. What is most important is both parties are in agreement and does their relationship in a way that works for them.

So whether the women who read 50 Shades of Grey really want to be dominated, I can't say because I haven't met all of those women. I do know that every woman wants to feel secure and feel loved. Which means, if she is receiving it, she will be happy to let her man have his way.