Little Hearts, Big Love

Diamonds may be a girl's best friend but handmade gifts are a mom's best friend.

There is nothing as special as a handmade craft or picture made by your child. I cherish every handprint, footprint, macaroni necklace and glittery card made with smeared ink and misspelled words.

The thoughtful care our children put into these handmade creations paired with the tremendous personal pride that comes from giving them is as precious as the gift itself. Our children express their love through creativity and thankfully never wait for a holiday to surprise us with an unexpected treasure.

Our children are growing fast, soon the glittery handmade cards made with too much glue will be replaced by the perfectly pretty store bought variety we give our own mothers. Until then, I'm treasuring the glitter and the macaroni; I could have never appreciated the beauty in these things until I became a mother.

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