Once Upon a Time I Had a Mama's Boy

Not so long ago, I was everything. I was idolized and larger than life to my eldest son when he was nearly 6 years old. Imagine having your personal fan club president as a member of your household? Honestly, in between all of his normal boy activities, my eldest would stop to pay me a compliment, hug me or draw a picture of me. While I adored the admiration, a teeny part of me worried I had a major mama's boy on my hands.

We all secretly (or not-so-secretly) hope our sons will grow up with healthy mama's boy tendencies. I'm thinking healthy mama's boy tendencies are enough to yield respect, attention and, at a minimum, a weekly phone call.

It seemed to me that at 5 years old, my eldest was in a transitional period where he was a certified school-ager who wasn't quite ready to assume the role. He was in need of extra love and attention which was more than alright by me. While Big Daddy P sorta thought our eldest should be drawing dragons and stuff instead of portraits of yours truly, I chose to enjoy it as long as I could.

In the end, his idol worship waned once Pokemon entered his consciousness and I went back to being regular old mom. It was nice while it lasted and I have these great portraits and a whole stack of love letters to remind me of my day in the bright, bright sun.

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