Parenting Guru: Holiday Spirit Bootcamp

Ah, here come the holidays. The music, the decorations, the kids with a serious case of the gimmes. Of course I try to explain that the holidays are about more than presents. In fact, I used How the Grinch Stole Christmas - our favorite festive cartoon - to get my boys (ages 5 and 3) thinking the other day. (Thank you, yet again, Dr. Seuss.)

"Do you guys understand what this cartoon is about?"

"Uh, not really."

I went on to explain, and they nodded with a semi-blank look on their faces. (Though my five-year old answered with all the ways the Grinch broke the rules and wasn't nice. And my three-year old laughed mischievously at each one of them.)

I had an idea and this was the perfect time to introduce it. I reminded them of their advent calendars from last year - you know, the kind with 25 glorious pieces of chocolate tucked underneath - and how they helped us count down to Christmas. I said, this year, before we open each day's goodie, we're going to live the Christmas spirit and do something nice for someone. Each and every day.

We started talking about all the things we could do. Big had ideas like smile at a stranger who talks to him (which is surprisingly hard for him), make someone laugh, have a friend over for dinner and call someone we love to say hi. I printed out a December calendar and wrote something on each day counting down to the 25th. (Ranging from "Help your brother with something." to "Take gift certificates to the local Ronald McDonald house.")

Hopefully my kids will find it almost as rewarding to give a little something as to receive it. (I said almost…) And at the very least, hopefully each time we watch that silly green guy's heart grow three sizes and his smile light up, they'll remember that this glittery season is about more than just gifts.

(But gifts are nice too. I mean, nobody complains when the Grinch brings all the goodies back.)

The gift of giving is the one thing I want for my kids this holiday season. What do you wish for your family?

Amy is a Shine Parenting Guru and mother of three. Enjoy more of her family's Griswold-esque holiday adventures at her slice-of-life blog, Using Our Words. Better yet, do something nice today - check out her Facebook page (and giving it a "Like").