Putting Baby with Creepy Fake Chompers in Breastfeeding Ad was Totally, Uh, Genius (VIDEO)

breastfeeding video
breastfeeding video

To borrow a phrase from Jerry Seinfeld:

Who are the ad wizards who came up with THAT one?

I truly don't know what else to say about this horror show of a commercial from Louisville, Kentucky. Sadly, this is an ad campaign with good intentions: To encourage breastfeeding in African-American moms.

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Why they thought turning a perfectly adorable baby into a toothy demon would do the trick, I honestly don't know.

Here's the weirdest part about the whole thing, in my opinion: I didn't encounter a whole lot of opposition when I was breastfeeding my two kids, but the occasional comments I did get (usually from older women who had their babies when bottle-feeding was all the rage) almost always had something to do with teeth. But you won't keep nursing when she has teeth, will you?! What about when he gets his teeth?! As if the second those chompers break through nursing is like sticking your boob in a bear trap.

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The little girl in this commercial probably doesn't even have any teeth of her own yet. Hey, let's give her a mouth like a barracuda! That'll win those non-breastfeeding moms over!

Seriously, just watch:

Ridiculous, right?!

Do you think this commercial will encourage ANYBODY to breastfeed?

Image via HealthyHometownKY/YouTube

Written by Jacqueline Burt for CafeMom's blog, The Stir.

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