"SEPSIS" is in TEXAS TOO Are Doctors Incompetent?

On February 14, 2011 at 2:57 PM Jocelyn Y. Dickson entered into Memorial Hermann Hospital alert and oriented with no apparent distress. At 3:35 PM surgery began to remove the piece of corn dog lodged in upper esophagus (GI). Surgery ended at 4:05 PM and Jocelyn is now on a ventilator with a distended abdomen. What happened?

SEPSIS: What is this that causes total organ dysfunction? Sepsis is a condition in which the body is fighting a severe infection that has spread via the bloodstream. When a person becomes 'septic" it is likely they will have low blood pressure, leading to poor circulation and lack of perfusion of vital tissues. This is referred to as "shock" also known as "septic shock". The symptoms of sepsis include:

  • fever

  • low body temperature

  • rapid breathing

  • chills and shaking

  • rapid heartbeat

  • decreased urine output

  • confusion or delirium

I'm not a physician or expert in the field of medicine, but I find it hard that I researched the symptoms and signs of sepsis and if I can see that this is a serious condition, why didn't the doctors that treated my daughter not know these things. Where are these doctors getting their license to practice medicine? TEXAS

As I read her medical reports I found some serious discrepancies of what they told us she had to the real ugly truth of her cause of death. Medical records showed that she had hypovolemic shock which results from the loss of blood volume caused by such conditions as gastrointestinal (GI) bleeding, extravasation of plasma (a discharge, seepage or escape of blood), major surgery, trauma, and severe burns. The patient demonstrates tachycardia (heart attack), cool clammy extremities,hypotension (low blood pressure), dry skin and mucus membranes and poor turgor (skins ability to change shape and return to normal (elasticity).

The doctors did not treat these symptoms instead orders were called in to place her on a Propofol drip. For what? She wasn't in surgery, so why Propofol, that is usually used only during surgery. At about 6:12 PM after nurses were ordered to give Jocelyn an enema she was noted not to have any urine or gastric input. Is that not a sign of hypovolemic shock which occurs from sepsis? At 6:46 PM doctors now order Vecuronium (a neuromuscular blocking agent-a muscular relaxant) Why? At 6:55 PM doctors order Dopamine (used to help improve heart function when it is unable to pump enough blood, given after a heart attack or trauma) Why?

These are the questions I have been asking of the physicians who serviced my daughter in an emergency situation. It is evident that these doctors either did not know what they were doing or simply didn't care.

That question was answered and it is without a doubt doctors are operating with a License to Kill. Did you know that The Texas Medical Board is dangerously lenient with doctors, repeatedly letting serious and sometimes repeat offenders off the hook? Did you know that the Texas Medical Board has a private and secret National Practitioner Data Bank that hide medical negligence of doctors and other healthcare providers from the general public?

Here are some examples of how this system works:

  • From www.questionabledoctors.org: Doctor pleaded guilty to one count of deadly conduct, a third-degree felony. Doctor admitted to a total of four drive-by shooting incidents of his former business partner's garage and automobiles (5 years probation)

  • From www.questionabledoctors.org: Doctor engaged in a sexual relationship with four patients and also admits he has a history of alcoholism. (60 months probation)

  • From www.tmb.state.tx.us: Doctor was charged with inability to practice medicine with reasonable skill and safety because of intemperate use of alcohol. What they failed to say that he was also found guilty of an intentional, premeditated, knowing, or grossly negligent act ( gross negligence n. carelessness in reckless disregard for the safety or lives of others, which is so great it appears to be a conscious violation of other people's rights to safety. It is more than simple inadvertence, but it is just shy of being intentionally evil. (See: negligence, damages, punitive damages)

What happened to this doctor? Absolutely nothing, he is still allowed to practice medicine to claim his other victim. What can we do? Simply-FIGHT BACK-WE WILL GET JUSTICE IN TEXAS.

As you drive in to Texas there is a big sign that says "Don't Mess With Texas

And you are right? Texas is Dangerou