Yahoo! Kids to Exclusively Premiere Episodes of “Recess Stories”

Our favorite Managing Editor at Yahoo! Kids, Dave Rogers, passes along some fun news for you and your children...

Families have more entertainment choices than ever before, yet it sometimes seems that something is awry. Animated kids' programs feature superhero children facing galactic-level dangers. Live-action shows are heavily produced, over-acted and offer a slick and sassy version of childhood. Eight-year-olds sound 18, tweens have successful solo music careers and parents are remarkably absent.

Into this void steps "Recess Stories" - a Beeswax Production that features real kids acting in real stories about life on the playground. The girls have messy hair and mismatched socks, the boys are good with a ball but confused by everything else, and nobody can agree on the rules for anything.

The short episodes - all based on true stories - show kids as they really are: smart, funny, imaginative, caring, resourceful and engaging. This positive approach to children's programming has struck a chord with kids, their parents, and teachers who have longed for videos that are funny but real, educational but entertaining, and engaging without being hyperactive.

Yahoo! Kids is delighted to exclusively premiere Season Two of "Recess Stories." New episodes will be released every Friday beginning April 20. The first is the aptly named "Red Light, Green Light" and demonstrates how it's the small moments of childhood that kids value most.

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