8 great cat Tumblrs

Need a break from those spreadsheets? About to cry in your cube after a downbeat performance review? Shine Pets can help. Bookmark any or all of these Tumblrs, and the next time you need cheering (or waking) up at work, take a cute break. It's free!

Cats. Where they do not belong.
The exasperated author explains to various cats why they should not sit in luggage, eat turkey, lie on top of gaming consoles, et cetera. Sample quote: "get out of there cat. you are not food. you should not be sitting in the cabinet next to the easy mac. i know you are the same color but that doesn’t mean you should also be up there cat."

Cats doing yoga
Every unsettlingly elastic pose of the sleeping and/or stretching cat, carefully documented. Namaste!

Worldly Cats
My cats haven't gone any further than Jersey; these cats pose in fountains and on steps all over the world.

Stoned Cats
Drugs are illegal and bad. Cats sleeping in guitar cases or sticking their heads into Pop Tarts boxes, meanwhile, are hilarious and rad.

Cats in ties
That this many cats in the world tolerated neckties long enough for photos to be taken is really rather surprising. (See also: Glasses Cats.)

cats are always doing sh*t
Alas, CAADS hasn't updated in a couple of years -- but that top photo is worth the click-over.

Writers and Kitties
Scribes and the felines that inspire (or annoy) them. Jean Cocteau's Siamese doesn't look too thrilled, but you'll probably love the blog; I spent a good half an hour paging through for my favorite authors.

Cutest Cats, a.k.a. "Meow :3"
Cuteness is so subjective. That said, I feel confident in stating that the teeny kitten in the hooded sweatshirt is, if not the cutest cat I've seen today, at least in the top 3.