Dear ‘You Know Who You Are’... Stop Doing That!

Are you constantly nagging a loved one who won't stop doing something… and you're convinced he or she will eventually get in trouble for it? Perhaps they're always cutting corners or walking a fine line between fun and foolishness?

For instance...

My sister will not stop dressing inappropriately for work...
My mom constantly leaves her purse wherever she goes....
My boyfriend uses his cell phone at inappropriate times...
My best friend will not stop parking in the handicap spot...
My neighbor screams at his son's soccer team...

The Anderson team is working on a show in which we want to help someone teach a loved one a lesson. Who in your life needs one? If you're game to teach a loved one a lesson, tell us about it!

Post below, or share on We look forward to hearing who you want to... sort-of punk.