Exclusive! Anderson Works at Boston Market

For an upcoming show, Anderson visited a local Boston Market restaurant in New York today, where he tried what it's like serving up some of his favorite lunch dishes.

View More Photos of Anderson at Boston Market.

What Should Anderson Try Next?

Anderson recently faced his food fears and bravely tried spinach, coffee and Brussels sprouts. What should Anderson try next?

Submit your ideas for places Anderson should go, activities he should try, food he should taste, people he should meet and more.

Share your ideas by emailing Andersononshine@yahoo.com.

I Want to Try Something New... with Anderson

Is there a something new you want to try... along with Anderson? Is there an activity you've always wanted to try? A new hobby? A sport? An adrenaline-filled adventure?

Share your ideas by emailing Andersononshine@yahoo.com.


Inside Anderson's Fridge
Anderson Eats Spinach for the First Time
Anderson's Favorite Foods