3 Ways to Get Unfriended on Facebook

Do this and you'll get unfriended.
Do this and you'll get unfriended.

You already know that posting loads of duckface photos and humble-bragging 24/7 are good ways to get unfriended on Facebook. But new research from Arizona State University found that sometimes it's the little things you don't think of that make people want to ditch you online.

By Korin Miller

Through a series of studies, researchers found that these ticked off Facebook friends:

Ignoring Postsbr> Study participants said the most important ingredient to maintaining a Facebook friendship is reciprocity. So, if someone writes something on your wall, they expect a response. Otherwise, they feel ignored or disrespected.

Related: WTF? Things That Only Happen On Facebook

Forgetting To Say "Happy Birthday"
According to researchers, people were "adamant" that you should pass on b-day wishes on the big day-even if it's just the guy you kinda knew in middle school.

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Posting Unflattering Pics
You know how annoying it is to see less-than-awesome photos of yourself pop up on your wall, so take a sec to think whether your friends would be happy with the ones you're posting of them. Not sure? Ask them first.

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