Use Astrology to Drive Your Life Forward!

Do you amble along in life hoping your luck will change? Waiting for a magic moment to improve a situation can be dispiriting. Instead, try to see your life as a vehicle: Let your Sun sign help you get behind the steering wheel and make your life go where you want!

Aries has no problem kick-starting themselves ... but they're not always the best at following through. As a result, their life can become a series of half-finished projects. If they can see things through to the end, their morale will soar as a result -- and suddenly other areas in their lives will kick into gear as well.

Taurus has a habit of burrowing down rather than striding forward, so they can find themselves in paralysis mode more easily than most. They tend to hold onto what they know, even if it isn't what they want. But once they realize they're more powerful than they think and rev up their inner motor, they're off and running!

Gemini can become so scattered, they end up running around in circles all the time. They'll do well to focus and have a clear sense of priorities. If they can finish projects one after the other -- rather than trying to accomplish 17 all at once -- they'll surely power ahead.

Cancer should remember the old saying, Those who forget the past are condemned to repeat it. Even if they insist they don't forget, the truth is they only remember the good bits. Unless they learn to face unpleasant truths, they'll never learn the lessons of what to avoid in future -- a situation that can leave them lagging behind if they don't watch out.

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Leo has a habit of sticking stubbornly to the same groove. But since these folks hate being left in a corner, they'll make more of an effort than most to come out on top and give themselves the glory they so desire.

Virgo can often settle for less than they deserve, which is why they're susceptible to feeling dissatisfied. They also have a tendency to be overly adaptive to other people, so they'd do well to stand firm, find themselves a backbone ... and go for it!

Libra possesses initiative, charm, and a steelier ambition than they let on, so they're not ones to sit around idly and wait for a lucky break. Still, they can end up skittering along the surface rather than getting down to the roots of emotional matters. They're capable of making profound changes if they dig a little deeper within themselves.

Scorpio is all about power and control, but that very fact can sometimes get them into situations that aren't so beneficial to them. They need to go through periodic cleansing rituals to rid themselves of outworn attitudes and attachments; if so, they're bound to emerge revitalized.

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Sagittarius has a clear fondness for adventure and travel, so their everyday lives often end up scattered. Once they realize, however, that being organized and disciplined will give them a better foundation, they'll thrive -- and have more time for excitement!

Capricorn -- a touch like Virgo -- often understates their talents and personalities, and despite their initiative and ambition, they're prone to settling for too little. If they can open up and unearth the emotional depth and warmth within themselves, they're certain to feel more fulfilled.

Aquarius veers toward being a touch rigid -- if not downright obstinate and rather wacky! Still, if they're able to take the time to merge these two sides of their identity, they'll make constructive changes at a steady pace.

Pisces drifts with the ebb and flow of life, and if they're not careful, they'll always feel at the mercy of external circumstances. They need to get their courage together and be less of a minnow ... and more of a shark!

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