Being Personal in an Impersonal World

My two first Cousins both earned their doctorates. I was never jealous of them because I loved them. I really wanted to be like them but never had the money or opportunity to finish more than 140 hours of higher education.

Looking back over my life I am glad I finished high school and Nursing school. I am glad I graduated form a four year University. But being human and younger, I made many mistakes. Once I was offered to get my Nurses papers transferred from California back to Texas if I would pay them 800 dollars. I had no way to pay this so I had to let my license lapse. I was disabled by then anyway. After working and paying into the government system over 35 years, I was not able to work full time anyway. So the doctors said. They are the professionals. Most are decent people. The few bad ones make all of them look bad, especially in the media.

People, being human need water, food, shelter and clothing and sex to survive. Being placed in a cage is not normal and causes all kinds of problems to humans. Some people need to be put in jails or institutions, but many are just ignorant. Most know when and what they are doing right or wrong. Humans love to blame others and make excuses for when they do wrong. There are ways to prevent evil behavior. Education is one good way. So is being a good example. Only about less than 1 per cent of the human population sustains a human that is 100 per cent evil. These for sure need to be put out of society. The others need to be educated and taught right from wrong and then punished when they do wrong.

I live way out in the Country away from people. I am not alone. But most of my life, I lived in crowded city type places and over crowding causes many problems.
I remember Sue who said she felt lost in a city of so many people because she just blended in. She moved out of the Country after her husband died.
My other cousin has her Doctorate and still teaches college and she is around 70 years young but looks about 50.

Smiles are universal. So is laughter. Families are a human thing. How do you feel about yours? For many that I know are not happy.