Caution! Mercury Retrograde Starts Now

Speedy little Mercury, the messenger planet, slows down and shifts into reverse three times a year. Next up, from February 6-28, 2014, Mercury will turn retrograde in watery Pisces and backtrack into Air sign Aquarius.

Mercury's retrograde cycle is a three-week period when communications tend to be more complicated. Dealing with details, travel and technology are other potential trouble spots. However, this is also a time to tie up loose ends, complete unfinished business, and reconnect with people from the past.

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Learn how this Mercury Retrograde will impact you personally by reading your horoscope below!

Aries (March 21 - April 19)

Mercury's reversal begins in sensitive Pisces and your obscure 12th House of Subconscious, which can muddle messages and make difficulties with the flow of information even more likely. Yet this part of your chart is rich with imagination and spirituality, perhaps reawakening an old dream, creative project or inspiring the devotional side of your personality. Gentle persuasion and tuning in to others needs will be more successful than pushing hard to get others to go along with your ideas.

Taurus (April 20 - May 20)

Communication in group situations could become a little fuzzy with chatty Mercury turning retrograde in your 11th House of Organizations and Friends. This reversal of the messenger planet might also revive an old idea or dream for making the world a better place. Reconnecting with old pals and colleagues could prove surprisingly satisfying, even if your last contact was not very successful. Being kinder in what you say is a good way to repair relationships.

Gemini (May 21 - June 20)

Mercury is your ruling planet, making its retrograde period more important than it is for most people. This reversal starts in imaginative Pisces and your 10th House of Career where confusion about goals and responsibilities could complicate your job. Don't assume that people understand you or you them. Double-check to be sure that you're on the same page when it comes to your job. Reawakening an old career dream, though, is a potential benefit of this pattern.

Cancer (June 21 - July 22)

Travel plans and dealing with people in distant locations could be a bit more difficult during this Mercury Retrograde period. That's because the planetary master of messages and details turns tail in your 9th House of Faraway Places. Make sure that you communicate carefully and recheck documents to avoid mistakes and misunderstanding. A possible benefit of this cycle, though, is to reignite interest in education since the 9th house is also the House of Higher Learning.

Leo (July 23 - Aug. 22)

Relationships could grow a bit more confusing with communicative Mercury turning backward in your 8th House of Intimacy. Renegotiating the terms of personal and professional agreements will probably be necessary to keep both parties happy. Showing some flexibility, as well as compassion, will strengthen alliances, but playing power games will not. Cooperation isn't easy during uncertain times, so stay open to making some temporary changes.

Virgo (Aug. 23 - Sept. 22)

Verbal Mercury turning backward in your 7th House of Partners can spring some surprises in relationships. You love clarity but it may be hard to come by now. Don't worry too much about the details, but work on bringing more imagination and compassion into your alliances. Someone you found less-than-realistic in the past might be worth reconnecting with now, especially if she or he stimulates your creativity and is a source of inspiration.

Libra (Sept. 23 - Oct. 22)

Work issues could be more complicated with this Mercury reversal in your 6th House of Employment. Tasks that you thought were finished may need to be redone, which doesn't sound like fun. But if you bring a positive attitude and a willingness to learn, your level of skill is likely to increase. Try to avoid overdoing it mentally and physically since you could run out of energy more quickly than usual now. A bit more self-protection and care are highly recommended.

Scorpio (Oct. 23 - Nov. 21)

The communication planet turns retrograde in your 5th House of Self-Expression, Romance and Children. Confusion and misunderstandings are possible when making presentations, looking for love or dealing with your little ones. On the plus side, Mercury's reversal offers second chances in these areas of your life. Just remember to be tender, since this turnabout starts in compassionate Pisces where showing kindness is more important than mastering every little detail. Old creative interests return when you take time to play.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 21)

Domestic matters could require extra attention with Mercury turning retrograde in your 4th House of Home and Family. Spending time on repairs and maintenance is an excellent way to use this period of time. Old emotional issues within your household and with relatives may come back to the surface. Don't just set them aside -- facing them is not easy but it's worth the effort. Forgiving yourself and others for mistakes frees you to create a more successful future.

Capricorn (Dec. 22 - Jan. 19)

Whenever chatty Mercury turns retrograde messages tend to be muddled, but misunderstandings are even more likely now. That's because this little planet's reversal takes place in your 3rd House of Communication in the fuzzy sign of Pisces. Double-checking details and travel plans makes sense, but being kinder and gentler in how you express yourself is equally important. Tenderness reduces conflict and, in turn, could even inspire your imagination.

Aquarius (Jan. 20 - Feb. 18)

This retrograde cycle starts in your 2nd House of Assets where you may have to review and readdress some finance-related matters. Taking a second look at how you handle money should open your eyes to more effective ways to manage your resources. Mercury re-enters Aquarius on February 12 and will stay in your sign until mid-March, triggering insights about your appearance, attitude, and approach that allows you to let go of habits that no longer serve your needs.

Pisces (Feb. 19 - March 20)

Mercury's retrograde turn in your sign could put you in a three-week state of deja vu. While this can make it more challenging to stay on top of details and manage new tasks effectively, it's also an opportunity to restart conversations that didn't go so well the first time around. Your high levels of compassion and creativity will serve you well in repairing relationships and restoring your reputation, providing second chances to make things right.

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