Are You Up for the Challenge?

I challenge you to a race…

A race against time. A race against yourself.

What could you do faster? Where would a bit lower quality be OK if it saved you time? What is necessary, but you'd like to spend less time on it?

Perfection is the enemy of time. Distraction is the enemy of time. Overwhelm is the enemy of time. Mindless activities are the enemy of time.

We are often our own worst enemy of time.

In many cases, we can do something to save, recover, and take back that time.

Challenge yourself to a race.

I'll be doing it along with you.

Great candidates for a TIME CHALLENGE:

Email -always at the top of the list

Social media - another top contender

Household chores - vacuuming, mopping, dusting, clean up

De-cluttering and purging - tackle those pile, closets, shelves

Organizing - rearrange, put items back, restore order

Filing - just do it

Phone calls - keep it brief, no chitchat

Meetings - agenda, timer

Writing - stop censoring and editing as you write; edit later

There are many others. Tasks you dread. Activities that are time wasters. Necessary, but tedious. Whatever may be on your, "Oh no, not again," list.

Here's the simple challenge.

Choose an activity. Decide the amount of time to allot. Settle on the acceptable quality. Set a timer. GO!

How many emails can you get through in 20 minutes?

How many words can you write in an hour?

Can you get the filing done in 15 minutes?

What can you cover in a 30-minute meeting if you stay on topic?

How many calls can you make in 45 minutes if you cut chitchat?

Dusting race - 10 minutes. Good enough is the key phrase.

Sort, purge, piles. 30 minutes. 60 minutes. When in doubt, throw it out.

So many options. So much time saved.

The best part. When you're done, use some of that recovered time to treat yourself.