Does Your Sun Sign Make You a Rock-Solid Friend?

When a dear friend is suffering through a difficult situation, are you there for them? Your Sun sign plays a significant role in your ability to provide a shoulder for others to lean on.

Aries will attempt to pull their friend out of depression by suggesting diversions ... but this may not quite do the trick. What most bereaving folks look for in a time of need is empathy -- which isn't exactly Aries's strongest trait.

Taurus can be a real rock to lean on during an emotional crisis, since they offer a calming sense of continuity. After all, "life goes on" is their motto. They'll offer a strong shoulder for a time, although they may grow impatient if the misery drags on longer than they think is appropriate.

Gemini can supply enough verbal motivation to fill ten self-help books, but they're never quite sure how to handle a flood of tears. They're wary of their own feelings, so they'll eventually back off to make sure they don't drown in someone else's torrent of intense emotion.

Cancer will turn into the great Earth mother, offering a comforting shoulder and words of wisdom. They love to feel wanted, but if left unchecked, they can also turn into a smothering presence over time.

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Leo maintains close relationships with friends and family, but they also tend to become edgy if they give too much attention without what they feel is sufficient reciprocation. Older Lions usually handle difficult situations better than young cubs.

Since they're so practical, sympathetic, and wise, being of service is one of Virgo's true joys. They're so self-sufficient that they can help a friend in need realize the long-term value of standing on one's own.

Libra will be tactful and gentle while offering unique approaches to their friend's dilemma. They aren't the inherently emotional type, however, so they often run into problems when presented with great displays of grief.

Given their own innate understanding of anguish, Scorpio will be intensely engaged and provide solid support. These folks are invaluable in times of trouble; the problem is, they may not know how to lighten up once the dark clouds lift.

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Sagittarius will point out the hidden blessings in their friend's seemingly dire situation, all while insisting that the future will be brighter than the past. Wallowing in sorrow simply doesn't suit their optimistic spirit.

Capricorn will be cool but sensible, which will likely help defuse their friend's chaotic swirl of emotions. That said, they may not know exactly know what to do after passing along their own practical tips!

Aquarius will relay stories of people who've been in a similar situation in hopes of making their friend's plight seem more bearable. But since Aquarius tends to lead with their head more than their heart, they're not so much at ease with emotional displays.

Pisces tends to recoil in sorrowful situations, since they soak in others' suffering to the point where it becomes an unbearable load. However, they do possess a healing presence, so simply having them around in times of trouble can help lighten the atmosphere.

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