Easy Ways to Get Rid of Pantry Pests

Weevils in the flour? Fear not, just follow these five quick and easy steps, and soon your pantry will be pest-free.

Cleaning the pantry is the most important step to get rid of pests.

1.) Begin by taking out all items stored in the pantry. Clean containers thoroughly in hot water.

2.) Next, is cleaning the pantry itself.

Start with a mixture of bleach and hot water, ¼ cup of bleach to each gallon of hot water.

Scrub this mixture onto all available surfaces, including both sides of shelves, the floor, ceiling if possible, and all walls. Make sure to scrub it well into nooks and crannies, corners and cracks.

Read Also - Ways To Control Kitchen Pests Naturally

3.) Whilst the pantry is drying (this should be left overnight with an air supply such as an open window or door.) check all food for pests, and throw out any food which is contaminated into the outside garbage; don't keep it in the house.

Freeze the rest of the food (if possible) for a week before returning it to storage. This should kill any remaining pests.

4.) Preventing pests is better than trying to get rid of them. Therefore, here's how to prevent pests in the first place.

a. Make sure dried goods such as flour, currants, grains and sugar are stored in airtight containers.

b. Freeze new flour and dried goods to kill any already existing pests or eggs.

c. Weevils or flour bugs do not like bay leaves. So crushing them or placing them around food should help deter the bugs.

d. Thoroughly wash up any spills of honey or similar, as they will attract insects.

5.) Keeping on top of the problem is also important. Regularly check your stock for infestation, and if spotted, repeat the above steps each and every time.

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