Flow with the Moon's Natural Rhythm!

Before electric lights were invented, the increasing or decreasing light of the Moon set the rhythm for human activity. When the Moon was full and bright, nights were active, festive, and social. As the Moon decreased and the night plunged into shadow, people pulled back and planned ahead.

If you'd like to flow with the Moon's natural rhythm in your own life, mark these special Moon times on your calendar and consider them when planning your monthly activities.

Start by celebrating your accomplishments during the full Moon. Full Moons welcome relaxation and socializing, so reward yourself for work well done with a special feast, time at the spa, or simply a relaxing bath. The full Moon's bright light illuminates the sky a few days before and after the full Moon, so make the party last! (The next full Moon occurs on September 19 in the sign of Pisces.)

Visit Astrology.com's Lunar astrology section today to learn more about everything from the Moon's current phase to how your Moon sign can reveal who you truly are!

The two weeks when the Moon is decreasing in light, or waning, signals a time to clear the decks for the next cycle. Consider donating items as you also try to repair (or do all you can to recycle) anything that's broken. Excuse yourself from commitments you can't fulfill or that no longer interest you. Take time to rest and rejuvenate.

A new Moon is a time to go within. When the sky is darkest during the few days before and after the new Moon, consider what you'd like to accomplish in the coming month. Set aside time to reflect and create a list of goals. (The next new Moon occurs on October 4 in the sign of Libra.)

Finally, the waxing Moon -- the phase that finds the Moon's light gradually increasing -- encourages creation and growth. During these two weeks after the new Moon, invest your energy in home improvement projects. Look for deals and stock the refrigerator, pantry, or linen closet. Make and freeze meals to enjoy later in the month.

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Other Moon times to consider:

Mondays -- "Moon-days" -- are sacred to the Moon. The Moon enjoys domestic activities such as cooking, as well as any chores involving water; resting and taking salt baths are other distinctly Moon-related activities. Be sure to schedule these on Mondays to best honor the Moon in your life.

The Moon is at its most comfortable in the signs of Cancer and Taurus. Potent times for working with the Moon's unique energies are April 20 - May 20 and June 21 - July 22; each of these periods is ideal for making home and family projects a top priority. These are also excellent times to celebrate water in all its forms -- including vacations to seaside places or destinations full of rivers and lakes!

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