Happily Married for the Most Part

I am a 25 year old African-American male married to a beautiful black woman. For the most part things are great as long as I dont confront her. Yesterday when we were out i noticed that her hair looked like she didnt spend anytime combing it so i commented. I know she is sensitive about it so i tried to hint that we should look at hair magazines. When that didnt work i told her straight up that she should spend a little more time preparing her hair before we go out. She has a mini-fro and thinks all she has to do is wash it then walk out of the house. I understand the black woman have more difficult hair, but thats no excuse to not take the time to make it look presentable. Now she is mad and doesnt want to leave the house when she knows i hate staying in the house on the weekends.

I tell my wife she is beautiful at least once every day, so i dont think it should be a big deal when i tell her she is having a bad hair day. Am i wrong?