Making Cute “Eggheads” for Easter

Eggheads are adorable decorations to sit on the edge of a shelf or table. They're easy to make, and kids can make them too. Since there is no yolk or white, it will rot slower.

Sharpie/ Pens
Pipe cleaners (optional)
Bamboo Skewer (A fork will do, but be extra careful)
Two small Bowls

Time: Approx. 30 minutes


1.Start with the first egg. Use the skewer to puncture the eggs on each end over the bowl. Make the hole on the wider end larger with the skewer. Wiggle it around inside the egg to break up the yolk. Blow in the small end. Repeat until you have as many eggs as you want.
2. Fill another bowl with water and soap. Put the shells in this bowl.
3. Use the sharpies to draw faces on the eggs.
4. (Optional) Use the Pipe cleaners as hair, legs and arms.

These are great as gifts to grandparents too!