A Moment of Sadness in a Womans Heart

On the month of September you could barely wished that hopefully this month will not be a rainy month. Wishies whom we know wont come true. Just like in our lives we live with expectancy.We thought that after our teenage years we could have the things we wanted like having our own job,a brand new car,a house and to be with the man we loved. We all live with hope,but what happened if those hope will fall apart?At some point of our lives it's not always what it supposed to be.There will be changes. Maturity comes to us without noticing it right away.There are girls who get matured so early and merely some of those reasons are unwanted pregnancies.This reason will lead them to work hard at young age for them to sustain there babies needs. The other type is they get matured easily by nature,they exposed themselves at work and at responsibility at early age for being a carrier oriented one.

Woman will always be a woman.Girl will always be girl.It reminds of Britneys Spears lyrics "I'm not a girl,Not yet a woman"this notion made me realize Am I woman already?Ask yourself too.
Responsibility comes in a woman's life if she knows what and with whom her life is for.Independence would come when we are ready to be alone and face responsibility.