Move it or Lose It: Feng Shui Tips You Haven't Heard

feng shui
feng shui

As it turns out, where you put your crap matters.

That messy pile of clothes, heaping stack of papers or the junk you shove under the bed could be messing up your flow.

We're talkin' feng shui, baby. As a practice that's nearly 4,000 years old, it's based on the idea that your home has different energy depending on what you put in it - and where. Besides contributing to the overall organization and style of your abode, feng shui is considered to have an influence on things like your cash flow, your health and your love life.

Feng Huh?

Don't believe that moving some crap around will send Mr. Right your way? The great misconception of feng shui is that it largely involves rearranging furniture. But this is actually just the tip of the iceberg. Deborah Kagan, Los Angeles feng shui expert, shares some of her tips for dressing your nest:

Front Door

It's the gateway where you greet your life and where your life greets you. Always make sure all the knobs, locks and hardware work perfectly and keep it bright and inviting.


Your stove is the energy generator of your life. Make sure to rotate the use of your burners, allowing for an even distribution of opportunity in your life.


You spend a serious amount of time here and this has the greatest effect on your life. Make sure your bed has a solid headboard and do not store anything under the bed. Also, make sure the bedroom (home of the bed) contains only the three R's: rest, romance and rejuvenation. This means no office, exercise or stereo equipment allowed!


Deborah also stresses the importance of keeping your space clean, organized and clutter free. A cluttered space is a cluttered mind, and that's no way to launch into 2012.


Your can is also a major area that needs some attention, as the energy in that space is constantly being flushed, drained, dripped and bathed away. A simple cure is to keep the bathroom door closed and toilet seat down every time you leave the space.

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front door
front door