Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius: Make the Most of Thanksgiving!

Thanksgiving Day this year sees a solar eclipse in Sagittarius, so let its exuberant energy help you turn tight funds into a fun feast with loved ones. Don't let a shortage of cash get in the way of everyone's fun (and appetite)!

Aries will bring out old holiday mementos, ornaments and outfits to give their celebration a homey theme at very little cost. As always, their enthusiasm will be infectious.

Similarly, Taurus will dig eagerly for holiday trinkets that have been hidden away over the years ... and they'll be delighted with their discoveries!

Gemini will realize that the only thing that really matters is love. The eclipse in their opposite sign of partnerships will make them happy just to snuggle with their partner.

As usual, Cancer's role will be one of nurturing. They normally like to add a touch of luxury, but in today's tough times, they'll be happy just to be of service to others.

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A lack of material blessings will push Leo to be the main entertainment. This solar eclipse amplifies their need for attention, as well as their overarching desire to please others.

Thanksgiving's eclipse will encourage Virgo to bring harmony to their domestic scene. Feeling grounded is more important to them than hosting a lavish feast, so they'll help everyone enjoy simply being together.

Libra will pay attention to the little details, such as decorating the table with graceful flair. Distracting the eye will be their greatest trick.

Scorpio will throw caution to the wind, spend more than they should and leave their saving regimen to another week. They'll also be more physically affectionate than usual, something that's sure to please their guests.

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With the eclipse occurring in their own sign, Sagittarius will lift everyone's spirits with the vibrant energy they radiate -- and inspire their guests to do the same!

Capricorn will want to connect with their inner self, nurture their spirit and find peace. The calm energy they bring will spread to those around them, making for a tranquil and beautiful holiday.

Aquarius will invite friends as well as family. After all, the more the merrier -- especially when it's a potluck!

Eager as they are to express themselves, Pisces will organize a musical program in the living room. They'll be determined to make it an old-time evening spent in -- one that's short on modern touches, but long on conviviality!

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