The Sun Enters Scorpio: Constant Change

This week, the Sun enters Scorpio, the sign of transformation. Since this time last year, when Saturn first entered Scorpio, you've been forced to flex your letting-go muscles. Now with the Sun in Scorpio (and Mercury retrograde!), it's time for a major shedding of what no longer serves you.

It may feel as if everything is dying and changing so fast that there's nothing left to hold onto. You may even be in the process of learning that the more you try to cling to something, the more pain and resistance you'll end up experiencing as a result. Now more than ever, that old saying rings true: "Let it go. If it was really yours, it will come back to you; if not, it was never yours in the first place."

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With the Sun in Scorpio, your consciousness is now turned towards darkness, shadow, and all that's normally hidden or repressed. Do you have deep feelings to deal with if you're to evolve positively? Scorpio will not let you remain in shallow water now.

You're more apt to become a detective of sorts under this influence as you seek to uncover anything that requires digging. This is an important time of self-inquiry, to be sure. Just be careful: If you find yourself accusing others of ulterior motives, be sure to check your own agenda first.

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What's most important during this time is that you get in touch with the deeper meaning behind what you do and say. It's tempting to turn the psychoanalytic lens on others, but what results is often a projection of our own fears and insecurities. Use the penetrating nature of Scorpio to turn that X-ray vision onto your own motivations now. What is it you truly desire? And how will you go about making it happen?

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