The Sun Enters Taurus: Calmer Days

After an insanely fiery month of Aries' domination, you're bound to welcome the Sun's placid entrance into the sign of Taurus, which occurred this past Saturday. Get ready to experience relief at finally watching some of Aries' embers die down so you can once again get back to a slower pace and land your feet back on the ground.

The Sun's transit through Taurus is an excellent time to get back into your body, focus on simplicity and contentment, and take time to savor the beauty of life. There's no need to rush or hurry, because if you do, you'll pass up the experience of living fully through all five senses. Spring flowers are blooming and life is wonderfully rich right now, so it's up to you to get out of your own way long enough to simply chill out and appreciate the gorgeousness of it all.

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Next to its Venus-ruled sister sign, Libra, Taurus can be the calmest sign in the zodiac. Use the next few weeks to fully get yourself back into your bones, and take the opportunity to appreciate all the loveliness of your immediate world, including your friends and family.

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Finally, practice the art of contentment on an hourly basis. Being pushed to the brink is no longer an option under Taurus' patient influence; after all, too much speed can be a killer. Lingering and enjoying life -- without escaping into your monkey mind -- is a crucial step now to honoring this glorious time!

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