How to Wrap Unusually-Shaped Presents (VIDEOS)

wrap a cat
wrap a cat

I come from a long line of gift wrapping phenoms. My grandmother could gift wrap a present wearing a blindfold, standing on one leg, drunk as a skunk, without using any tape. My sister's got some mad skills, too. I think she was an elf in a past life; her wrapping is so flawless that you never want to rip into it, you just want to put it on your shelf and admire the craftsmanship. I, on the other hand, shove a gift in a recycled bag from Whole Foods, throw in some crinkled tissue paper I dug out of the trash at the office holiday party, and toss it into the recipient's lap like a lead football.

More from The Stir: 6 Green Ways to Wrap Gifts Without Wrecking a Forest

So if you're wrapping-challenged like me, maybe this year we can turn things around and actually be proud of our presentations. I think we all know how to wrap the normal box (even though we suck at it), so let's focus on a higher level of difficulty. Let's really test ourselves. With that in mind, here are some instructional videos that will show us how to wrap unusually shaped presents.

Here's a video that will make wrapping a toy seem like the most complicated thing on the planet, but hey, it's a nice looking present when all's said and done.

And here's how you can wrap a t-shirt all fancy-like:

Here's one that'll teach you how to wrap a present like a pro. Literally.

And this is a dream come true: A gift wrapped cat for Christmas!

And wrapping a gift basket's never been easier:

Good luck, fellow wrappers!

More from The Stir: 10 Holiday Shopping Secrets From a Mall Insider

Do you have any gift wrapping tips?

Photo via YouTube

Written by Lindsay Mannering on CafeMom's blog, The Stir.

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