15 Ways to Beat the Freshman 15

Heather Ashare - EduInReview.com

Think the Freshman 15 is unavoidable? Think again. Follow these 15 effective ways to not only keep it at bay, but end your freshman year of college healthier than when it started. Implementing these healthy lifestyle habits now will set the foundation for a lifetime of positive choices. Since you're at college trying all sorts of new things anyway, why not try this, too?

1. Beware of the bowl: Breakfast cereals are a college student's go-to meal, whether it's breakfast or dinner. But most of us over-pour cereals, which results in a few hundred extra calories. Prevent this diet disaster and use a measuring cup for eating your Fruity Pebbles from a coffee mug.

2. Take advantage of the gym: All colleges and universities have a workout facility, and many of them are state-of-the-art. Take advantage of the gym and use it regularly. Remember: Your tuition dollars are paying for the electricity that runs those calorie-torching treadmills.

3. Watch the alcohol: A few beers can easily clock more than 500 calories. Opt for lighter versions of your favorite bottled brew.

4. Avoid late-night eating: Whether it's a midnight cram session or a post-bar pizza run, when you sleep, your body's metabolism slows way down. Skip the late-night snack fest; or if you must eat something, opt for some fruit or make your pizza with a 100-calorie English muffin, low-fat tomato sauce and a small sprinkle of part-skim mozzarella cheese nuked in the microwave.

5. Hoof it: Keep your car in the dorm parking lot and walk to class - every day.

6. Opt for the salad bar: Dorm cafeterias are notorious for high-fat eats, but look to the salad bar as your saving healthy grace. Just beware of calorie-laden offerings, like cheese, croutons and salad dressing, and instead load up on fresh veggies and a small amount of lean protein.

7. Drink short: Grand lattes and large frothy coffee drinks pack more calories than an ice cream sundae. Opt for the smallest size on your favorite coffee shop's menu and always have it made with skim milk.

8. Get up and stretch: For every hour you spend in front of your computer, your metabolism slows. Prevent this by getting up at least once every hour to walk around. Even just a trip to the bathroom will offset the metabolic slowdown.

9. Keep a mini-kitchen: Even if you live in a dorm, you can still keep a mini-fridge stocked with healthy eats like fresh fruit, pre-cut veggies, low-fat string cheese and yogurt.

10. Brown-bag it: Go easy on your wallet and your waist and pack your lunch when you have a day's worth of classes ahead of you. Portable fruit, low-fat cheese and whole-grain crackers will keep you away from the calorie-packed burger and pizza shops in the student union.

11. Plan ahead: When you know you'll be heading to the bar, stockpile your calories by eating a lighter-than-usual dinner. Having something to eat before you drink will slow down alcohol's absorption and prevent you from binging on pizza at 2 a.m.

12. Know your numbers: Stop by the student health clinic for a health evaluation. Get a reading on your weight, BMI, blood pressure, and lipids. Knowing more about your health will motivate you to take the steps to improve it.

13. Buddy up: Can't stand the thought of lifting weights in the muscle room all alone? Grab your roomie or a friend and hit the gym together.

14. Take advantage of student discounts: College campuses are great spots for group fitness classes, like power yoga, Pilates and kickboxing, plus most of them offer great discounts for students.

15. Sleep: Even though must students are sleep-deprived, not catching enough ZZZs significantly increases your chances of obesity. Aim for at least seven hours a night to keep your mind focused and your body lean.

Learn more about living a healthy lifestyle in college:

How to Stay Healthy in College

The Ultimate Dorm Room Diet Guide

Avoid the Freshman 15 with the Healthy College Cookbook

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