4 Tips for Surviving a Long Distance Relationship

1. Never hesitate to let your loved one know how much you care. I cannot say this enough. It is so important that you let your love know just how much they mean to you. Whether you get to see them or if you have to tell them over the phone, by e-mail, or through a letter- tell them every chance you get. Nothing keeps love alive more than loving words and kindness.

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2. Write down the little things that you want to remember or that are special to you. Over the past 5 years I have kept several different scrapbooks of little memories that I have with my love. Whether it be pictures, letters, tickets to games and movies we've been to, or just little gizmos and gadgets that make me think of him, I have saved many things. It's so special to look back on now- and of course every memory makes me fall in love all over again.

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3. Write letters!! Okay, so this may sound cheesy if you are able to call each other or communicate via the internet, however if boot camp taught me anything it was that letters are a way to connect with your loved one. While the 3 months was hard to be away from my Marine, his words on paper were amazing. Also, the thrill of checking the mailbox every day and hoping to find a letter, and the feeling I got when I did receive a letter- nothing could top that.

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4. Find several songs that remind you of your loved one, and share them with each other- that way every time you hear the song randomly on the radio, or you play it on your itunes, you will think of them. This is a great way to stay connected!

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