6 Ways to Have More Clarity, Consciousness and Love

Ahoy my fellow seekers! Are you ready to set sail for 2012? As this year comes to an end, I sit and reminisce on all the trials and tribulations I've endured, the people who held me in moments of grief, the elated celebrations of growth and success, the people who were there to share in my happiness and joy and in essence, simply in awe of the perfect nature of the unfolding of this whole life process. Reflecting always seems to allow for the space to see a congruency and synergistic pattern for an understanding of you know, the moments in which we live our everyday lives. Let's bring the new year in with more clarity, more consciousness and of course, more love. Here are some practical ways to make each moment of your life even better than the last.

1. Live with intention. Every action, every thought and every feeling arises from something. That something is different for everyone-it's called an intention. The "why" part of what we're doing, thinking, saying or feeling. What comes out is coming in from somewhere, there's always a beginning to an end. So ask yourself, what's the root to all your actions? Where does it live? What is your intention? What is the reason why you do the things you do? What do you want to saturate the periphery of your life with? Allow your intentions to fuel and guide your desires, not the other way around.

2. Drishti. Give yourself a point you can focus on. Bring your attention to a light that you're walking towards. There are people who walk consciously and there are people who walk aimlessly. Having a drishti will help to guide you towards the right direction. If you're having trouble with this, try what Pascall used to say, "Always keep something beautiful in your mind." Walk towards beauty -- you can never go wrong with that.

3. Have fun. Indulge in what makes you happy. Imagine what life would be like if you were happy and enjoying everything you spent your time doing. Cut away what brings you down so you are more available for what brings you up. What if life was really just being happy?

4. Love everything you do.
Bring love into every part of your life. If you're cooking a meal, put a splash of love into it. If you're going over a monologue for the billionth time, do it with love and passion. If you're trying to complete that song you've just made, put some soul into it. Love is the secret to all things, it gives anything that extra umph* and guess what? People can FEEL IT. Love everything you do and make others feel good at the same time. Amazing!

5. Make use of your time consciously.
Scheduling and organization really help me. It's called time management. Until there's a natural rhythm of organization integrated within you, you've gotta make an effort to practice. That's how it works, you practice, practice, practice and then one day poof * it's embodied. Choose when and for how long you'd like to spend your time with people, things, hobbies, jobs, social life, private life, etc etc. Manage how you'd like to create how you spend your waking moments.

6. Surrender. Surrendering is one of those things like evolving.. It's a process. There's no limit, no period at the end of the sentence, just an infinite theory of sorts in which one engages with life. There's only so much will and effort a man or (wo)man can show up with. Sorry to burst your bubble, but the illusion of Self isn't what it's cracked up to be! There's so much more behind it! The real power lies within the powerhouse, the source of this whole thing and that's what I mean when I say we've got to surrender. Whatever that is to you-you have to admit that there is a mysterious force that holds all the planets in the solar system in place, that pulls the water of the earth in from it's parameter into a shape of a multidimensional sphere (without it, Earth would just be a soggy blob of water with some funky shaped puzzle pieces sticking out), that this force has also created such a perfect design and architecture of the human body, that this force has created NATURE, the trees, the flowers, the ocean, the sun, the air, human beings... just look at all of what this force, this nature has created.. Nature created nature.. the Source of all things.. We've gotta recognize, acknowledge and you know what to do -- surrender.