A toast to Shine

Out with the old and in with the new,
but not old friends!
Keep them close to your heart of hearts
and on them you can depend.

Good and bad, who knows what's next?
There is no way to know.
God can see around the next bend,
but I enjoy the present show.

With life we can apologize, regret, or simply mourn,
but what has that ever added to?
We always have a new year, a new dawn,
and there is joy to be found in truth anew.

Go gladly on and be not sad,
keep busy every day,
but not so busy that you don't see
the path, your goals, your way.

My friends you are so dear to me
and so I leave you with this:
Give freely of your heart, your life,
and greet each day with a kiss!

Lots of love and (((((HUGS))))))