American Apparel uses Woody Allen image on billboards without permission—that ain't kosher!

Photo Credit: Jewlicious
Photo Credit: Jewlicious

Most people would be jumping for joy at the sight of their face on a billboard, but this the very fact why director Woody Allen is suing American Apparel chairman Dov Charney. (It's not for sexual harassment, shocking, we know.) The clothing company used of an image of Woody from his infamous film, Annie Hall, dressed as a Hasidic Jew without his consent, and the director is so peeved he's suing for $10 million.

In a Manhattan court, Allen stated that he flat out does not endorse any commercial products or services, which makes the AA billboards and web ads "especially egregious and damaging." (Strange, because we definitely remember him doing an a for American Express, but this is beside the point.) The advertisements are downright confusing, yet a refreshing change from the typical leotard-donning hipsters we're accustomed to seeing. Woody, get that paper on behalf of frustrated $18 plain t-shirt wearing consumers like us! [Reuters]